Would you be friends with you?!
I continued with my post describing my question in further detail. Some might answer, "yes, well of course... I would be friends with me" and others might answer "probably not."
I seriously think everyone should consider this question. Would YOU be friends with YOU?!
Would I be friends with someone that continuously second guessed herself and wasn't confident in her talent or abilities? Would I be friends with someone that feared what others thought?
The answer was no, which prompted change in my life.
Here is why I began working for change...
I will tell you, there is nothing more uncomfortable for me than being around a woman that is insecure. I see it in women of all ages, shapes, and sizes and I refuse to become that type of woman.
I love being around confident, motivated women. Business women, hardworking moms, confident wives... It is inspiring.
I am not a fan of being around women that talk bad about other women in the room or are complete (as I call them) Eeyores. Isn't this true for all of us?! There
Eeyore- always down and doubtful
Pooh- jolly, content and happy with what he has
It's empowering when you are around a secure women that has a plan and has something to teach you. I love learning from these women, but I do not like being around women that constantly bad mouth. Whether they are bad mouthing another women, gossiping, or bad mouthing themselves, it is not fun!
Does this mean you can't be a friend when someone needs a pick me up or swift motivational kick in the bum? Absolutely not, but don't be the friend that is consistently a downer or talking about other women.
I am far from perfecting this skill, but in the weeks since posting this question I have learned a lot. I have created a plan for myself to become empowered, secure, confident, and successful. I plan to share these ways and ideas as I learn them, but for now I will say stop the poor self talk. Stop talking poorly about other women, including yourself.
For the longest time (I'll be honest), I thought positive self talk was cheesy. You know the line they say to tell yourself in the mirror, "I am beautiful, I am strong, I am worthy!". I used to think, "Oh yeah right, let me talk to myself, about myself in the mirror for 15 min each day!"
I was wrong. It is so empowering and it truly does work. You stop the negative thoughts that
After a while the positivity runs through your body and you too become lighter on your feet. You are who you are, either you improve yourself in a positive way or you begin to accept what you have. Embrace YOU and be empowered by the sole fact that you can become anything you dream of.
The women we love and look up to most in the public eye are typically women that are confident and secure with themselves. You too can be those things, you just have to tell the negative thoughts to take a hike and talk to yourself like you are your own coach. If you coached a team of 12 young girls, you wouldn't tell them they couldn't, wouldn't, or shouldn't! You would tell them YOU CAN, WORK HARD, BE YOU... Speak to yourself this way... you are your coach... you have more power than you know!
Control your thoughts and control your character!!
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