Friday, April 4, 2014

3 Weeks Out- WBFF LA

Today marks exactly three weeks until my feet hit the stage in Los Angeles for my next WBFF competition. 
I decided yesterday to document my journey in writing hoping that I can later look back and see exactly where I have improved. Often times I forget that the journey to the stage is not just about how physically fit you are. My mind has completely taken a 180 degree turn and improved tremendously since my last show. I truly believe my decision to invest in great mentors and the time I have invested in improving my own thoughts has been the reason for my success.
If you would have talked to me 6 months ago when I stepped off stage at my last competition, I would have told you my biggest focus would be improving my glutes or improving my abs. Along the way in the last 6 months I realized that no matter how physically fit I became... no matter how much I grew or how lean I became, I knew it would not be enough for my next strut on the stage.
My mind is what has improved and when I sit down and start to think about it, there is not greater improvement I would want to have up on that stage. When I learned to let go of negative self-talk and when I stopped placing importance on the opinions of others, I began to grow faster than I could have ever hoped for. It became more about what I could do as an individual to impress myself rather than impressing someone else.
I do not know what the outcome of April 26th will be, but I know my #1 goal is to beat myself when I am up on that stage. I know the last time I was on stage I was not confident, I was slightly unsure and insecure. This time I have taken any and every step possibly to improve the way I feel about MYSELF! I journal every day documenting my progress... I stop myself when I begin to think I CAN'T or maybe my dream is unrealistic. I have set my mind up to think
The dream of holding a pro card with the WBFF...
The dream of becoming a mentor and inspiration to other women...
The dream of being on the cover of a magazine...
When I start to ponder my dreams and think they may not be possible, I immediately think WHY NOT ME?!

Along with strengthening my mind, I have invested in improving my walk. We hear it all the time as competitors... your walk will make or break you... right?! So I made the decision to improve my walk as best I could. I have made it my goal... by the time my feet hit that stage on April 26th, my walk will have improved so much that the judges think "is that the same girl from the October show?". That is honestly my goal! My goal is to step out from the old me and be the new me! I am determined to WOW my judges!

With 3 weeks left I know there are going to still be quite a few improvements and I am so excited to see what happens. I started writing in my journal about 3 weeks ago and I am already impressed with my own improvements... I can't imagine what is going to happen these next 3 weeks when all of my effort is strategically planned out! The plan is to give 10% more than what I gave before (thank you Lindsay Messina for that goal)... 10% more than what I gave in the past.... 10% more than what my body or mind feels like giving... 10% more than normal for 21 days! Let's see what's possible!!!!
Thank you to everyone who supports me on this journey!

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