"I'm my own motivation!"
I keep seeing this quote floating around on social media. Often the quote is part of the caption on an old photo of someone. The quote of course is stating (in so many words),
I can be better than I am
I can be better than I was
I will use my past to achieve greatness
I believe in this quote as I think some of us get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. Her butt is bigger, she is prettier, he has bigger shoulder muscles, etc. The idea is to put blinders on, focus on your own results, and use your progress to propel you forward.But what about those of us who have set backs or cannot find motivation in our self? Do we just quit and give up saying, "I'm not seeing the results. Well, I guess I failed!" Not seeing results or not seeing results quick enough is one of the top reasons people give up.
How do we find motivation outside our self?
I think it is great to have this "blinders up" approach, but I also think there are other ways to keep yourself motivated.
1. Find someone that has a similar story, someone you can relate to, and someone who is POSITIVE. We like to see struggle, progress, and we find motivation in those people who don't quit when they reach a certain level. Find these types of people on social media. Also, find someone who is willing to share their secrets and who offers tips. Someone that is confident in themselves or someone that truly is talented will not be afraid of sharing their journey.
2. Use motivational speakers early in the morning! Find a motivational speaker who creates a fire inside you. One of my favorite speakers is Eric Thomas. I can watch his YouTube videos to a point where I have them memorized and can recite the entire thing. I watch or simply listen to his videos when I wake up, in the car, at the gym, during cardio, etc. It puts power in my step and I feel even more driven when I watch these videos.
3. Study more!! I find motivation in knowledge an understanding. If you want to make something happen, pick up a book or look on the internet and find out how! When I know what or why I am doing something in the gym, I feel motivated to execute it well. When I know the scientific reason why overeating is hard on my body and mind, I feel in control of my choices. I hear so many people use, "I didn't know..." In addition, knowledge really is power. People will question everything you do, eat, or don't eat. KNOWING why you don't eat something or KNOWING why you have given up sugars or carbs gives you POWER!! Knowing is not just an, "Oh I read it in a magazine" or "I saw it on Doctor Oz!", knowing is actually taking the time to research MULTIPLE, creditable sources! You can respond to the negative people with knowledge. It really is a powerful weapon!
Do you have a way that you stay motivated? Please share below!
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