It isn't a 4 letter word that you might have been expecting. No, the "S" word I am speaking of is SUGAR!!
aaaaaah yes, SUGAR!! We all know and some of us LOVE this word, but what is it really doing to us?
Let me first start with where the thought for this post began. It is December 27th and like most people I enjoyed a few Christmas treats just a few days ago. Though I am prepared for the aftermath of consuming sugar, I felt the need to share my journey and thoughts.
Many sources indicate that sugar creates the same affects as many street drugs. In many studies, lab rats that binged on sugar had the same brain changes as those coming off drugs. In humans, seeing photos or images of sugary foods triggered the same brain effects as those coming off of drugs! EEEEEK! Now that's a little scary, but wait there's more!!
Are you aware that our favorite artificial sweeteners or "sugar-free" foods may make sugar craving worse?? I have researched this topic on several occasions and personally have cut the "sugar free" from my diet. From what I have read, artificial sweeteners trick our brain to think we are consuming the sweet food we love. Your body prepares to consume the calories associated with those foods, but they never come. This isn't a topic I have perfected or become too knowledgeable on quite yet, but I will say I find myself craving less when I don't use sugar free coffee syrups or gum.
Personally, coming off of sugar intake is a little rough. The first two days isn't so bad, it is the third or fourth day that is the worst. I am overly emotional, anxious, and crave things I wouldn't normally crave. I anticipate this all hitting me tomorrow and the day after, three to four days after Christmas.
The best way I can cope with this is through knowledge. Once I was able to identify what was happening in my body and at what time, I could battle the process on my own. I now know that after four days, things usually get back to normal. When my cravings kick in and the emotions swarm, I know that in just a few days I will be back to my ol' self again.
I avoid foods or "cheat meals" just for the heck of it. This tends to help with the regret that I often felt in the past. When I could have a cheat meal for no reason, I felt terrible about it and felt a sense of regret. Now, I choose my cheat meals wisely. I like to call them SPECIAL OCCASION MEALS! I spend them with my fiance or I select certain moments that don't come very often. Also, I like to consume foods I wouldn't normally have direct access to. I could skip the candy, cookies, and ice cream. If there is a food that is only made around Christmas I will enjoy it.
When I go out, I choose options that are still considered healthy and perhaps enjoy an appetizer with my other half. Red Lobster- I enjoy a biscuit or two and select grilled Tilapia or a steak and veggies for dinner. Morning breakfast at Mimi's Cafe- I enjoy a morning muffin with an egg white omelet loaded with veggies (mushrooms, broccoli, tomato, onion, etc.)
I choose my desserts wisely knowing what waits around the corner for me. As I said before, because of the withdrawals I experience with sugar I don't eat these foods "just because". It's just a vicious cycle I hate subjecting myself and my body to. Some of the foods that trigger these withdrawals for me are brownies, cake, cinnamon rolls, alcohol. I have found that getting frozen yogurt with fresh fruit still creates some of these symptoms, but not as extreme.
I hope this post helps you as you come off of the Holiday season and head in to the NEW YEAR!!
Happy 2014!!!
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