The journey first begins with learning who you are, what you desire to do with your life, and creating a plan to make it happen. So many times goals are written down, yet there is no true plan to make them reality. We dream of one day becoming the Owner of our own company, but we roll out of bed and hit the grocery store in our pajamas. We have the goal to one day be loved by a kind heart that sees our inward beauty, but we don't even love ourselves for who we are.
Do you know where you are seeking your validation from? Is it yourself or is it from social media and other people?
If you need to, give up social media. I have seen so many people lately consumed with seeking validation through social media. I also feel that it is contributing to envy and jealousy amongst women which I find so heartbreaking. Stop scrolling social media comparing yourself to other women or becoming consumed with who likes what at what time. It is silly to when you really think about it, but it has become the way of our world lately. It drives me crazy...
"I didn't get enough likes, so I took it down!"
There seems to be so much self worth and validation placed on the likes and comments that are receive in social media. If you post from your heart... if you write from your heart... if you speak from your heart... there should never be a reason to remove it or apologize. Are you seeking validation through a friend, a personal trainer/coach, your significant other? YOU are the one that validates that YOU are good enough. Others should be an addition, not the whole picture. When you are seeking approval or validation from others and you haven't first discovered your own SELF approval, you are caught in a never ending cycle.
Take a look in the mirror and tell yourself who you are, why you are proud of yourself, and how you are going to change the world with your talents. Do this daily...multiple times a day. I promise you are sure to develop more confidence, soon the actions and opinions of others will not longer negatively effect your thoughts. You will begin to pour happiness and love in to YOUR own life and the lives of others. Slowly you will begin changing the world.
Take the time to talk to yourself... LISTEN! You have to find who you are before you can expect anyone else to love you for who you are. Write it down!! Yes, I am saying to talk to yourself in a journal. In a journal there is no judgement, but you can begin to determine WHY you feel, think, and act the way you do. You can create a plan for your future and accomplishing your goals. In the same journal, you can have positive, reaffirming conversations with yourself and maintain your self empowerment. My journal is my quiet place and the time I get to spend each day writing out my thoughts is important to me.
Coming from a girl that struggled her whole life with self esteem issues, insecurities, doubt, and fears... simply writing in my journal daily has completely changed my life and has corrected all of those nasty traits I had grown to dislike about myself.
Discover who you are... become empowered!! You don't need anyone else in this world to validate you, just YOUrself!!