Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cardio Takes a Beating

If you know me at all, you know that I have always hated cardio. Whenever cardio made its way on my plan I tend to fight it. Cardio to me is dreaded, until now.

Just recently I had to find a way to get through the cardio sessions that faced me leading up to my next competition. I knew that if I wanted to become better, I was going to have to get through each cardio session without any skipping.

Leading up to a cardio session I would negotiate with myself, "maybe just 10 minutes less" or "maybe I can cut the sessions in half". Knowing that I couldn't make excuses for myself, I sought out ways to make the dreaded cardio tolerable.

YouTube- Search Motivational Speech
First, Lindsay Messina suggested that I listen to motivational or self improvement speeches. IMMEDIATELY I noticed a difference. I think it was because my mind was focused on the words and not the time left on the read out. Also, I love self improvement and finding ways to improve myself or impact the lives of others. Listening to motivational speeches through YouTube was proving to be an excellent way to fight back and take cardio head on. Jump on to YouTube and search "motivational speech".

Second, I started to associate a reward or positive outcome with finishing cardio. During cardio when I was ready to give up, I reminded myself of the feeling of accomplishment that came from completing cardio. I focus on controlling the feelings associated with activities I don't necessarily enjoy.
Believe in Yourself
Finally, I took the time to have comfortable clothes and shoes. Good shoes for cardio really work wonders. For running, I invested in a great pair of Asics that were meant for running. It immediately helped with any discomfort I was getting in my legs, mainly my shins. It is important to wear the right clothing. If you don't already wear a sports bra to the gym, you should stop and get one ASAP. Comfortable workout clothes really help you get in your workout and maximize your efforts. The right top, I prefer a tank top and the right bottoms will make all the difference.

Some of my favorite places to pick up workout clothes are Target, Marshall's, and TJ Maxx. They have great quality workout clothes, fun colors, and they won't break your bank. I always find fun sports bras and sports tops for the gym. A little tip for when you are picking out your bottoms, stretch the fabric (while they are on the hanger) in the booty and see if you can see through it. If you can, chances are they are going to be see through in the gym. I am a stickler and very picky when it comes to picking out great bottoms. My absolute favorite crops are from Lululemon, but they are a little bit of an investment for me.

Hopefully these tips not only help you conquer cardio in the gym, but every workout in the gym. Full effort in the gym is very important and it is fully possible when you have the right tools.

What things help you maximize your time in the gym?

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