Saturday, April 12, 2014

To, Too, Two, and 2

To, Too, Two, and 2... although I know they all mean something different, they all sound the same to me and at this point the sound of TWO makes me think of only one thing...
We are TWO weeks out from WBFF LA, April 26th
Countless hours of meal prep, gym time, posing practice, and self-empowerment all to improve myself for this stage. I would honestly be completely fibbing you if I told you it was an easy road to this point. My mental and physical strength have been tested, shifted, and downright challenged in this process. The most rewarding part of this journey is the fact that I am still standing.

When life comes at us in all kinds of directions, when life challenges us beyond what we think we are capable of handling, it is up to us to persevere. I promise you, there is no greater feeling than coming out on the other side of your challenges, looking back with pride when you see what you have overcome, and looking forward for the next challenge.
My story is probably no different than a lot of people's. When I was a young girl and growing up through high school, I had some of the biggest insecurities and an overwhelming fear of judgment and failure. I never felt comfortable in my own skin, I never felt like I fit in, and I was constantly looking for some one's acceptance or approval. Looking back now at my story I am proud of where I was and where I am, but at the time it meant terrible heartache, depression, and sadness.

A year ago I had amazing mentors and friends that started to enter my life and change me from the inside out. If there has been one thing I have discovered in this journey, it is that the INSIDE is more important than the OUTSIDE. There is nothing you can do on the outside to make you feel confident, strong, or empowered if you are not CONFIDENT, STRONG, or EMPOWERED on the INSIDE!

For six months I have trained and worked hard to get to this point... TWO WEEKS OUT!
I still train 6 days, I am hustling cardio, I meal prep, and I practice my posing until my feet give up. I have turned myself inward, I listen to my heart, and I strengthen my mind daily. At this point... that is the plan...

With two weeks out from the stage I have already started to map out my post-show goals. I have put pen to paper and I am developing some of my STRONGEST goals and plans I have ever had. My POWER GOAL is to give back, empower other women, and impact the lives of other women. Men are great too, but I just have a desire to see women change and grow the same way I have over the last year or more. The world is bound to be a better place with stronger, empowered, more confident women!!

Stay tuned for big announcements on what is next! As always, I appreciate any and all of the support I get from all of you! Your thoughts, sharing my posts, supporting me on social media or in person... it all adds up and it doesn't go unnoticed!

Follow my Instagram (@anna_lavonne) for daily posts and updates!! See you soon!! TWO WEEKS OUT!!

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