Sunday, May 18, 2014

Are You a Breakfast Skipper?

Are you a breakfast skipper?!? You know, the person that skips breakfast everyday, most days, or some days? I have heard people tell me that they skip breakfast either because they are too busy, they aren't hungry, or they are looking to lose weight.

I want to share with you all the importance of breakfast and why you shouldn't be a breakfast skipper.

Skipping meals, especially breakfast can lead to weight gain. People who skip breakfast tend to eat more during the day. Eating breakfast in the morning breaks...the fast from sleeping the night prior. Also, it is like giving your car fuel before you start to drive away. Your body is fueled by food, so not fueling it properly makes your ability to functioning properly difficult.

Skipping breakfast will lead to hunger... hunger can mean mood swings, lack of focus, jitters, etc. No one likes a grumpy face at the office, right?!? I say you choose to eat breakfast in the morning and then offer a smile on your way to the office! :)

You should view breakfast as an energy source and a way to kick start your metabolism each day. No, the donuts or bagels in the break room at the office don't count. Choose healthy, well balanced breakfast options when you are getting ready to start your day.

How about this...
3-4 scrambled egg white, 1 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup of oats
a few chopped up pieces of steak from last night's dinner, 3 egg whites, and chopped bell peppers to make a fiesta morning omelet?

Skip the donuts, bagels, and cereals!! Search for protein as one of the components of your meal. Protein isn't just for bodybuilders or athletes! Eggs, chicken, lean steak...getting enough protein is essential to reserve lean muscle mass and it keeps you feeling full while encouraging fat loss! Grabbing a banana or a bowl of oats is not sufficient and leaves your body wanting more.

In all of your meals, look to balance them with a lean protein source, a healthy fat (unsalted nuts, coconut oil, avocado), and a complex carbohydrate. Nourish your body with more than a bowl of fruit by itself or the granola bar shoved in your "food drawer" at work!

What are your favorite go-to meals in the morning?!
Do you have a particular meal that takes you 7 minutes or less to prepare in the morning?
If so, please share!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely NOT a breakfast skipper! I need to eat pretty close to when I wake up. I don't know how some people can wait a little while before eating anything. Those are good breakfast ideas, but I always use the egg yolks too. So many nutrients there!

    Also, I nominated you for a Liebster Award!
